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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 1, pp. 1-258

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On the Melting of Ice Balls

Miguel A. Herrero and Juan J. L. Velázquez

pp. 1-32

Self-Similar Solutions of Barenblatt's Model for Turbulence

Josephus Hulshof

pp. 33-48

On Uniqueness of Recovery of the Discontinuous ConductivityCoefficient of a Parabolic Equation

Alaeddin Elayyan and Victor Isakov

pp. 49-59

The Existence of Travelling Wave Solutions of a Generalized Phase-Field Model

P. W. Bates, P. C. Fife, R. A. Gardner, and C. K. R. T. Jones

pp. 60-93

Compressible Navier--Stokes Equations in a Bounded Domain with Inflow Boundary Condition

Jae Ryong Kweon and R. Bruce Kellogg

pp. 94-108

The Riemann Problem for an Inhomogeneous Conservation Law Without Convexity

Carlo Sinestrari

pp. 109-135

On the Rate of Convergence to Equilibrium for a System of Conservation Laws with a Relaxation Term

Aslak Tveito and Ragnar Winther

pp. 136-161

Isochronous Centers in Planar Polynomial Systems

C. J. Christopher and J. Devlin

pp. 162-177

Effective Reducibility of Quasi-periodic Linear Equations Close To Constant Coefficients

Àngel Jorba, Rafael Ramírez-Ros, and Jordi Villanueva

pp. 178-188

Function Norms and Fractal Dimension

Claude Tricot

pp. 189-212

Inequalities on Matrix-Dilated Littlewood--Paley EnergyFunctions and Oversampled Affine Operators

Charles K. Chui and Xianliang Shi

pp. 213-232

A Multivariate Form of Hardy's Inequality and $L_p$-Error Bounds for Multivariate Lagrange Interpolation Schemes

Shayne Waldron

pp. 233-258